Thursday 29 August 2013

"I Took A Blood Oath With My Girl And Now I Want To Break It, Please Help"

 I took a blood oath with a girl for my own selfish reasons. Though I have feelings for her but if you ask me, I'd say she has little feelings for me.

Since taking the oath, I'm no longer myself, I isolate myself from all my good female friends. This has resulted into calls for thorough investigation into what is going on.
My hands are always on my cheek whenever I'm alone.
The oath was made between the both of us. No native doctor was there. The razor blade we used; is still with me.

Please I want to know if the oath is potent without a native doctor. If it is, please assist me on what to do.

Actress Ini Edo goes out for dinner with hubby in London (PHOTOS)

Ini Edo going out of her London hotel with her husband for a dinner with friends.
Scroll down to see more pictures

JayJay Okocha Joins Nollywood, Produces Movie About Majek Fashek

New reports surfacing online claim that our dear Nigerian football legend Austin JJ Okocha is currently producing a movie about reggae star Majek Fashek.

The movie’s screen play is reportedly written by Charles Novia,and features Fracis Duru as Majek 
Fasek, Sam Dede, Stella Damascus and other top Nollywood actors.
Confirming the reports, Charles Novia says the movie is shooting on 35mm and took about 3 years tofine-tune. It is presently at its pre-production stage, after which the crew will travel to New York in October to shoot the America scene, which is the major part of the film.
Fracis Duru, as it was gathered hasbeen undergoing guitar lessons and extensive study of Majek’s character for the past eight month to fit the role.

Here’s what Francis said about Majek Fashek:
Whatever his travails and the publicperception of him, Majek still remaina world class material, who has promoted so much interest world wide with his type of genre of music, So a movie of his life and 
career has to meet a world class,”

D’banj Rocks N200,000 Giuseppe Zanoti Sneaker

D’banj is one of the most fashion conscious male celeb in the coutry today as he tends to have a thing 
for great designer wears and accessories. 

He was spotted rocking this Giuseppe Zanoti’s goldplated Sneakers which also has been rocked by Chris Brown and NBA’s Dwayne Wade as well. 

Can you buy this if you have the money?

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Davido Breaks Up With Girlfriend… Confirms He’s Single!

Davido Breaks Up With Girlfriend… Confirms He’s Single! Davido has confirmed that he has broken up with his girlfriend. Taking to Tweeter, the young star expressed his feelings

OJB Jezerel Hospitalized In India

OJB is in India to undergo kidney transplant this week. In the picture, OJB, wife and Doctor. Wish him a successful transplant. Remember him on your prayers, dear readers.

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Frank Edoho's Wife Regrets Marrying Him

In an interview with TheNetng, WhoWants To Be A Millionaire’ host Frank Edoho’s wife, Katherine Obiang, talked about her 7-year oldmarriage to Frank. Read below:
How are your kids?
They are great.
And how are they taking the whole 
divorce issue?
We are not really divorced. It’s still a work-in-progress kind of thing but we are taking it well. When its time for him to see the children, he does and when its time to return them, hedoes. On my part, I
have carried the children along andmake them understand they are notstained because of it. I wouldn’t want them to develop a complex because of it. We didn’t design for these things to happen but they do.It’s like people who have lost their parents, they didn’t plan for it but they have to move on. I watch themand I think they are doing pretty okay especially because we talk about it every time there is a reasonto.
You mentioned that you aren’t really divorced. Does that suggest possibility of reconciliation?
No, it doesn’t. We just started the process but there isn’t any hope for
reconciliation. We know we would always be in each other’s lives because of the children, so we have to be civil. When the children are getting married for example, wehave to hide our differences and make it work.
What if he (Frank) came back, would you consider it?
No. Three years have gone by. It will be a whole entire process of knowing somebody all over again and I don’t have the energy to do that. We’ve let it burn and I don’t think he will do that.
Do you sometimes miss him?
He had such a great sense of humor. I don’t know if he still does. His sense of music too, being a radio presenter, and we used to exchange thoughts on things regarding that, but otherwise, I don’t miss him in that nostalgic wayof…It’s a part of my life I have cometo terms with. I am a solution 
oriented person. He was part of my life for more than 10 years (dated for four years and got married for 7 years).
Looking back at everything, do you wish you never got separated?
No, I think Frank and I should not have gotten married in the first place. We should just have been friends because he was an awesome friend. While I was datingsomeone else and he had to go back to his country, he (Frank) was there all through and I had known him all the while he was in the University of Calabar and we started our career together. I think we shouldn’t have pushed it to marriage and just stayed as friends.
Any regrets about that?
No. I have three lovely kids to showfor it and of course, every thing happens for a reason and a purpose. They can only make us better or stronger people and it has 
done so for me. I have grown from what went wrong.
What is usually the cause of the fight?
I think it’s impatience, anger and not knowing how to deal with issue in the now, so you react before you think. It goes like, ‘huh, how dare you say this to me…is that what you will say?’ I can’t remember anyone in particular, it has been long now, I have moved on and it’s not athing that can happen to me again but I always say no matter what, a man should not raise his hands on a woman. A woman should also notgoad a man too much. It takes nothing from the man who walks away because once he hits a woman; he starts to think it is justifiable. Unfortunately, we are in a society where we have friends that will give you thumbs up for doing that. A man should be calmerand not react on the now.

Are you making efforts to ensure that your son isn’t wrongly influenced by this?
I have a son and I talk to him all thetime. I let him know he must be there to protect his sister. They should look at him and feel safe with him and he knows that. The girls also push him and I caution them, so it’s a balance.
Were you hit by the rumors of his recent marriage?
I didn’t want to believe he was because we are still married (legally). We are not divorced, so I didn’t see how that was possible and didn’t loose sleep over it. I’m not asking him not to go on with his life but things should be done properly. We are separated for three years and now in the divorce process. If he found happiness andlove, then I’m happy for him.
Will you be trying your hands on marriage again?

You just never know.
If you would, what kind of man would he be?
You come to a point in your life where you can’t afford to do things out of adrenaline but with great thought. It would be a more mature person, someone who is calm and has a fine sense of how life should be. Someone who is mature, wise and seen life and the ways of the world and knows what he is doing at every time.
When you think about all that has happened, does it bring tears to your eyes?
No, I feel a sense of disappointment instead especially now when the children come home with questions that I need a man to answer, if he (their father) were around. For example, someone to be there for my son at a time when he is writing his common entrance examination. It’s a feeling of 
disappointment, but you know, we have to rise above them and you go on.
What was your reaction the very first time it happened?
I’m like these things happen in marriages but we think of reconciliation and getting families involved. It is your first trial in marriage and nobody gives a guideline about how things are going to be.
Apart from being part of the Project Alert, what other steps have you taken to help women who are battling with domestic violence?
I talk to them but in the end, I let them know, the decision is theirs. Afriend of mine was involved in this and after we talk, she will go back to him. No matter what platform there is, it rests on the individual. It is what I have arrived at. I still sharemy story when I have the chance 