Monday 30 January 2012

ASUU to call off strike tomorrow

The ongoing strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) may be called off tomorrow. To this end, the leadership of the union is billed to meet at the University of Abuja, Gwagwalada, to review the strike and outcome of dialogue with the Federal Government.

ASUU, last week, met with the Minister of Education, Prof. Ruqayyatu Rufai in Abuja to resolve grey areas in the contentious ASUU agreement. The meeting could not produce the desired results as the lecturers turned down the minister’s pleas to end the strike.

Before the meeting, Senate, as part of moves to get ASUU to call of the strike, passed a bill elongating the retirement age of lecturers from 60 to 70 years. The increase in the retirement was contained in ASUU’s agreement signed by government some years ago.

Other items in the agreement include revamping the decaying infrastructure in universities, increased research funding and enhanced emoluments. Although the Federal Government signed the agreement, it had refused to honour it, leading to recurring strikes by ASUU.

Speaking to Daily Sun, an official of ASUU who pleaded anonymity revealed that significant inroads had been made in resolving the disagreement with government. He said: “We are almost at the end of the strike. Unless anything crops up we hope to call off the strike on Tuesday (tomorrow).

“We will meet at the University of Abuja on that Tuesday and I think the meeting will agree to end the strike.”
Asked if the Federal Government had accepted to implement the union’s agreement, he replied: “What I can tell you is that we have made some strides. We have a minister who, to some extent, is not playing politics with the agreement unlike what we had in the past.”

source: Dailysun news

Friday 6 January 2012

Federal Ministry Of Transport Site Hacked By Cyber Activists

Perhaps the hackers can now be taken seriously. They have unleashed a cyber attack on govt officials and websites. Already the federal Ministry of Transport Site has been hacked
they are also sending a million sms to all the senators each and giving out their phone numbers after that. Find the numbers on the hacker's twitter acc @Naijacyberhack.
Nigerains are not smiling o!

I didn’t threaten to resign –Okonjo-Iweala

The Minister for Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, has denied online reports of threatening to resign her appointment if the Jonathan-led administration bows to public pressure and rescinds its decision on removal of fuel subsidy.
She said the reports, which tried to portray her as the sole leader of the removal of subsidy, were founded on lies and circulated by faceless campaigners to inspire public hatred and odium against her personality.
In a statement, signed by her Senior Special Assistant, Paul Nwabuike, the minister urged the public to ignore such reports, which she described as ‘the antics of people who believe that Nigerians are fools’.

We all know who's taking us as fool and who the actual fool is, Madam IMF!

Justin Bieber's Jesus Tatoo (PHOTOS)

Jesus walks. Justin Bieber was spotted on the beach in Los Angeles rocking board shorts and some major ink. The Biebs has always been open about his faith but now he's wearing it on his sleeve -- or rather his calf. The "Mistletoe" singer was recently tatted with a large visage of Jesus on his left calf.
Bieber also has the name "Jesus" tattooed on his torso but his new tatoo is certainly a more visible ode to his religion.
The 17-year-old also has a small bird tattooed on his hip.
hmmm, Is Bieber showing his love to God or committing a sin?

Occupy Nigeria: Roads Leading To Eagle Square Have Been Blocked By Soldiers!

I have been trekking for abt 30mins from where we parked the car. Eagle square has been completely cordoned off by about 1,000 meters - heavily armed soldiers clad with assault rifles, live ammo and gas masks - pls beware!
GEJ can't still stop the protest.....We're going to WIN!