Friday 6 January 2012

I didn’t threaten to resign –Okonjo-Iweala

The Minister for Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, has denied online reports of threatening to resign her appointment if the Jonathan-led administration bows to public pressure and rescinds its decision on removal of fuel subsidy.
She said the reports, which tried to portray her as the sole leader of the removal of subsidy, were founded on lies and circulated by faceless campaigners to inspire public hatred and odium against her personality.
In a statement, signed by her Senior Special Assistant, Paul Nwabuike, the minister urged the public to ignore such reports, which she described as ‘the antics of people who believe that Nigerians are fools’.

We all know who's taking us as fool and who the actual fool is, Madam IMF!

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